Monday, November 9, 2009

I remain

This past Saturday morning, I was on retreat. I live in Pennsylvania. It is autumn and the leaves are still falling. I love spring and am not actually comfortable with autumn. This may be because I have already experienced so much loss that facing the work that I am invited to do in autumn frightens me. How much more do I need to release? Am I clinging to some part of my life that weighs me down?

When I left the house to walk outside on that bright morning, I walked onto doe colored elm leaves laying in abundance on the grass and realized that although it is autumn, I remain whole. That was a significant observation for me. Yes, I have let go of a lot. I will let go of more, maybe even today, but I can continue to do this seasonal work. I remain standing. I have not been obligated to release any part of my essential Self. In fact, the opposite is more true. As I courageously examine my life, and follow the example of the elm tree, moving through autumn into winter, who I am becomes clearer.

So for the seasons, I am thankful.

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